Thursday, May 19, 2011

The New Place

Well, here it is folks!  Our humble abode in Twin Falls!  (I had just done some cleaning, so I thought it was probably the perfect time to share some pictures of the new place, just in case it never looks that clean again...)  It is so fun to be true Idahoan's again!  We love it so far!

Here is the front room.

And my kitchen that I am in love with! 
 Check out that sparkling white dishwasher!   

Kind of like our place in Salt Lake, we have a laundry
room and pantry right off of our kitchen.  

The bathroom is pretty boring so far. 

Our bedroom.

And my favorite part...our closet!  Um...YAY for space is all I have to say!!

And of course...the storage room.

Well that's all folks!  We have an extra mattress (see above photo) that
we would be more than happy to lay out on the floor for visitors!  :)

Thursday, May 5, 2011

A very random post

Phew...Nothing but boxes, cleaner, and vacuuming over here!  (And maybe a little bit of the 5 hour version of Pride and Prejudice while I'm cleaning...) We move to Idaho tomorrow.  Wow, TOMORROW, people!  Tomorrow always seemed so far away and then all of a sudden it just showed up.  I have been busy trying to pack in an organized manner and if you have ever moved before, we all know that that lasts like maybe 10 seconds.  I can be as organized as I can be, but then there is ALWAYS. MORE. STUFF.  You might think that is the last of it, then it's like, "oh yeah - I forgot about that, Oh yeah - that too, oh, yeah - that...there is just STUFF EVERYWHERE!  Okay, I'm done with my rant.  I would way rather be packing than be at work, where James is today, so I guess I should count my blessings.  And in brighter news, we dropped a big load off at the DI and let me just tell you, that felt amazing.

Well, I do have a few pictures of our last couple weeks here in Logan.  They aren't amazing, but they are better than nothing!  I really am trying to be better to use my camera for PERSONAL stuff as well as business.

Last week, we had a great day before Easter Celebration.  I created a mini easter egg hunt for James, which he whined about the whole time because he doesn't want to have to FIND his eggs, he just wants to eat the candy.  So we finally resorted to me telling him hot or cold if he was close to an egg, to get his torture over with quicker.  And I was a really cool, sexy wife because I left him love notes in the eggs as well.  :)

Then after the egg hunt, I made him go on a nature walk with me that I've wanted to go on for a long time.  It is by the golf course in Logan, there is a trail that follows the Logan River.  It is very pretty and relaxing and I just needed to smell nature for a bit.  Bring on Summer, I am SO READY!  We both smelled a bit like we had been camping when we got back and it was wonderful.  I don't know how we smelled like camping because there was no campfire around or anything, but we did!

After our nature walk, I again made him take me to a little movie
called Water for Elephants.  This is how I asked James to go over text messaging:

Cindy: Hey can we go see Water for Elephants tonight?
James: What the H is that?  My instinct tells me no.
Cindy: It is a total guy movie, you will love it.
James: No.

When he got home, I showed him a preview, begged and he finally said yes. 
He loves me.
And we both liked the movie a-lot.  James liked it, I LOVED it.  
Just FYI.

I can't believe we are coming up on 2 years this month.
Pretty crazy.  

We will miss you Logan!  
(and we will miss Charlie's amazing Oreo Shake)