Saturday, September 15, 2012

Visit to the State Penetentary

Upon our move to Idaho, James and I took a fun day trip to Boise to see some sights.
We ended up at the State Penitentiary and it was pretty freaking awesome. I love jails though.
We had lots of fun wandering around, taking crazy pictures, and learning about the crazies of Idaho.

The place where Michael Scofield would have taken care of business. haha

The solitary confinement cell. 

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Logan Photo Girls

I had to mention a little shout out to some great, great friends I met while living in Logan.
Kristin, Belinda, and Chelsea all helped mold and change the way I view photography and
the way I approach taking pictures. We used to meet up every so often and talk about all things
photography, attended WPPI together TWICE in Vegas, shot weddings together, and just 
loved hanging around each other. I wanted to try my hand at weddings, so we met up
and Chelsea got into her wedding dress and we shot all around Kristin's gorgeous yard.

It was so fun! I love these girls!