Thursday, May 19, 2011

The New Place

Well, here it is folks!  Our humble abode in Twin Falls!  (I had just done some cleaning, so I thought it was probably the perfect time to share some pictures of the new place, just in case it never looks that clean again...)  It is so fun to be true Idahoan's again!  We love it so far!

Here is the front room.

And my kitchen that I am in love with! 
 Check out that sparkling white dishwasher!   

Kind of like our place in Salt Lake, we have a laundry
room and pantry right off of our kitchen.  

The bathroom is pretty boring so far. 

Our bedroom.

And my favorite part...our closet!  Um...YAY for space is all I have to say!!

And of course...the storage room.

Well that's all folks!  We have an extra mattress (see above photo) that
we would be more than happy to lay out on the floor for visitors!  :)


Dave and Teresa said...

Cute apartment! I love your kitchen! We're sad you guys are no longer in Utah but it will be fun to be so close to your families.

The Romney Family said...

Cindy, your places looks FABULOUS!!! Why again am I moving to one of the nation's most expensive counties? I will never be able to afford anything that nice! Poor decision, Amy. Well, I'm happy you guys can, at least! It really is gorgeous. (Especially that kitchen--seriously, to die for.)

zealygirl said...

I'm glad you guys got all moved in. We should get together sometime!