Thursday, July 30, 2009

Sunday Walk

We started a little tradition a couple Sundays ago. After a long, exhausting day of church, eating, naping, eating, and watching movies...we are usually ready for something a bit more active. So we drive 5 minutes to Big Cottonwood Canyon and find a trail. This has been our favorite trail so far...

Don't even worry about it.

This picture was the scariest to take. Some guy packing up his camp site right next to us offered to take it. We were expecting a typical stranger take your picture lame shot, but this guy was like a freaking jungle cat, and kept dangling over trees stretched across the water trying to get the perfect angle for this shot. My camera was dangling awful close to the water and he almost slipped a half a dozen times. If you look close you can see a look of terror in our eyes. Do you see our smiles? They are FAKE!

Our camera is back and safe in our hands in time for our traditional gangsta pic. I don't know why we always do that.

Peace out :)

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Wifey Job Well Done

This is my very good looking husband.
See how handsome he is??

Well one day his wifey thought he needed a haircut!

Yup, you did.

But the little Wifey had never cut hair before.
Not to worry though, I am a quick learner!

4 razor attachements and one hour later...done and done!!!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Weekend Highlight

So... For most holidays in the past living on the Wasatch Front, I would get the H out of Utah and head home to Idaho, but this year James and I decided to try something new. We celebrated Utah's famous Pioneer day by actually staying in Utah! And you know what????? It was FUN!
We kicked off the 24th by heading up to Logan to swim and have a barbeque with my cousins at Liz and John's house. I'm sorry but my family just rocks!! And I happened to be awful at taking pictures this weekend, so you just get a few that I stole from Sue's facebook page. I will try to post more later...
Disclaimer: James and I really do like Utah. It has been very good to us, but there is just no place like home.

There is us girls getting ready to head to the Dam to swim.
Me, Sue and Linds

Lindsey, Teresa, Dave, Becca, me

Just after getting dunked in the dam water by my dam husband.

Don't know why, but a few of us decided to swim out to the Bouey. (I don't know how to spell that)

Hoofin it back to the shore. It has been a long time since swimming lessons. Good thing Dogie Paddling is always in style.

Classic pose by the 3 Bradshaw sisters... Wait, make that two sisters and a cousin. I forget.

The Dam Crew:
James, me, Dave, Teresa, Lindsey, Rebecca, Thomas, and Sue. + Jon taking the picture...

Thursday, July 23, 2009


It was ONE OF THESE kind of days today...
Maybe it was because all I could think about was that
and we have 3 DAYS to play...
Tubing in Logan, Barbeques, a Rodeo, and perhaps, just maybe a few really good make-out sessions, er, you know... whatever...with the one I love...
Let the weekend begin!!!!!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


What is it about guys holding little girls

that is just so Hot?????!!!!!

Friday, July 10, 2009


4TH OF JULY...Bradshaw Style!!!

The Best Barbeque Ever at Layne and Barb's... mmm...I look forward to it all year!!

The Newlyweds...The Carlsons and The Steel's

Pretty sisters

Kristy, Mom, Aunt Marilyn, Kim, Jeanette, Mike

Marc, Makayla, Mitch, Jaci

Linds and Teresa

What the????????

Much better!

NOW...the moment we have all been waiting for...

Throw-Down at the Well!!!
Thinking about it...

Still thinking...

Holy Freaking Coldness Batman!

More Crazies...

Me and Linds...back for ROUND 2

Uncle Layne


Richard...yes folks, that is his Bare Skin! I repeat, that is NOT a White T-Shirt...

Me and my SUN-BURNT honey

I LOVE my family!!!

All of the very brave Well Jumpers

Mom and Aunt Barb

Awesome Cousins - Garrett, Troy, Kalli

Lisa and a couple of her kiddos

There we are again! Me with no make-up and James with a very sexy, smoldering 5:00 shadow...mmm...just how i like it!

Dad and Braxton

Who invited the REDNECk to the party???

Have you ever watched a 50 pound ANVUL blow up in the air from homemade black powder in the middle of your Uncle's hay field ???? NO?? Then it is your lucky day...

Mom, Caitlin, Richard, Jon, and Brandon

Watching the gun competition

Kalli, catchin some rays!

My dad racing with Micah at the reunion. The cutest thing in the whole world! It reminded me of when my Grandpa Bradshaw would do the same thing with me twenty years ago...
HOLY CRAP, am i really that old to be saying that phrase?!

Marcus giving Shelby shooting advice. As if she needs it...

A couple of my favorite people ever!

All in all, the people voted it one of the very Best Reunions Ever!