Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Last weekend, James and I celebrated our


Although I don't know how it could have possibly been a year
already. Our real anniversary isn't until the 30th, but this was
the weekend that worked best for a little get-a-way.

James and I had always talked about wanting to go down
to the Manti temple and about a month ago, James suprised
me with reservations to the CUTEST little Bed and Breakfast.

We kicked it off Friday after work and drove down to Manti,
Utah and saw this ol' beauty:

We got to our bed and breakfast and then ate dinner at the
resturant below. It was so good! Then we got in our car
and toured Manti. (It took about a minute.) Then we drove
up to the temple and walked around.

We both decided that it was probably our new favorite
temple. So beautiful and unique, inside and out.

The Historic Manti House Inn

This was our bed and breakfast just across the street
from the temple. We stayed in the Brigham Young Suite
and it was so awesome! I loved everything about it.
And that porch...James had a hard time getting me to
leave the porch swing...

This was the amazing Brigham Young Suite.

I loved the colors!

The next morning, we opened our shutters to
this view...

Not too shabby...

That next morning, we had the best french toast ever made
and then made a quick run to the Ephraim Wal-Mart to grab
some church clothes that somebody forgot, then made it back
in time for the 9:30 Session. It was beautiful and we loved
every second of it.

After the temple, we got some lunch and then we walked around
some of the shops in the town. Actually we walked around all
three shops in town. We love Manti, it was so fun and
a very relaxing and the perfect place to go for our anniversary.


Dave to Claire said...

How super duper cute are you?! I'm glad you had a wonderful anniversary, even though you havent been married quite yet a year. haha That sounds like the perfect get-away for you.

Mike and Kim said...

I must say I have never been to the Manit Temple in all my years of living in Utah. I think it looks beautiful and hopefully I can go now. Glad you guys had a great time!

Linzi said...

What a good idea! You guys are so cute. Happy Anniversary!