Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Blast from the Past

Last week one of my old, best college roommates who now
lives out in the middle of nowhere in WYOMING (sorry,
all you Wyoming-ers, couldn't resist, haha!) was passing
through the Salt Lake area.

It has been probably at least 4 years since we have seen each
other after college, marriages, moves, and babies.

It was high time we saw each other again...

Oh the memories of all the late nights staying up, talking,
reading Marcia Lynn McClure books, laughing, bawling
together on her bed watching Charly, flirting with boys,
Wendy's snorts, baking, and planning weddings just came
flooding back to me...
We had some good times that Wendy girl and me!

And she also brought with her our most favorite
neighbor and good friend at college, Suikim! This
girls is so freaking awesome and she brought her brand
new baby who is ADORABLE! Pretty much the cutest
little thing ever!

My little apartment was full of the cutest kids!

Good thing we have self timers on our cameras. James
left us after Cafe Rio...

Wendy and her cute kids.
Thanks so much for visiting girls, I had a blast! Next time
though, we should try to keep it less than 4 years before
we see each other again...


zealygirl said...

I saw Wendy at the swimming pool a few weeks ago by chance, and it was so fun to see here there. She's sure been getting around! Fun times!

Wendy said...

It was so good to see you. Oh the memories. Love ya!